JSON Viewer

I made this when I was working on an API-heavy project and wanted to see a better, more structured view of raw JSON data.


I made this little project when I was working on another data-heavy project in which I needed to parse a lot of JSON. Yes, there are hundreds of perfectly fine JSON Viewers/Parsers on the internet, but I thought it'd be fun to make my own.

I also have some other projects I'm working on. Check out my website to see those.

Docs / Getting Started

This works like pretty much all the other ones do; you paste in some JSON in the big ol' text area up there, click 'VIEW', and it'll spit out a nice formatted version of your data. If there are any errors in the JSON, it'll also highlight those errors and let give you an idea of where you went wrong.

If you want to keep the format that the tool spits out, there's a button next to each result that will copy all the contents of that textarea to your clipboard for you, format in-tact.

For now, that's all there is to it!